Men At Work, Down Under, 1993. 'Stone Again'.
Australian Motorcycle News, 14-27 January 1994. 'Stone Run Success'.
Live to Ride Magazine, 1998. '25th Anniversary Run & Rage Information Article'.
Live to Ride Magazine, 1999. '25th Anniversary Stone Run'.
Live to Ride Magazine, 2020. 'The Undertaker's Last Ride'. Sandy Harbutt (1941-2020) Funeral Service.
Live to Ride Magazine, 2021. 'Ashes to Ashes'. The scattering of the 'undertakers' ashes.
Live to Ride Magazine, 2021. 'Stone Rally'.
Live to Ride Magazine, 2022. Stone 'Ride and Rage'.
1993 - 20th & 1998 - 25th Stone Run 'Memorial and Anniversary' pins.
Note: Sandy asked Vince 'to have the 1998 Stone Anniversary pin designed in a tubular gold... the circle around the Stone is to be a complete tube and the Stone itself is to be half tube'.
Note: Sandy asked Vince 'to have the 1998 Stone Anniversary pin designed in a tubular gold... the circle around the Stone is to be a complete tube and the Stone itself is to be half tube'.
Stone 50th 'Anniversary Run' pin, FSB Pearlbrook, 2023.
1993 - 20th & 1998 - 25th Stone Run 'Memorial and Anniversary' Patches.
On Saturday 20 November 2004 the Ulysses Motorcycle Club and Vietnam Veterans Motorcycle Club rode down Darling Street, Balmain, Sydney, to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the release of the movie Stone. The film was screened as part of the Balmain Film Festival 10 Day Program, celebrating the suburbs role in Australian Film Production.
On Friday 15 August 2003, the Vietnam Veterans Gippsland Chapter was accepted by all VVMC Chapters. On Saturday 21 February 2004 the Gippsland Chapter was ratified. In 2006 the Gippsland Chapter sought an alternative clubhouse... an old disused and dilapidated hall in Longwarry North, Melbourne. On Wednesday 30 August 2006 the Gippsland Chapter was granted a permit to licence and use the premises. This Stone Memorial Run Patch was commissioned for the Official 'Stone' Run to commemorate the opening of the Longwarry North clubhouse. This event was supported by Sandy Harbutt 'Undertaker' and John Ivkovitch 'Zonk'.
Sandy Harbutt Memorial Patch, 1941-2020.
Initially presented to those who attended the scattering of the 'Undertakers' ashes.
Initially presented to those who attended the scattering of the 'Undertakers' ashes.
Stone 'Ride and Rage' Dubbo Westview Drive In, 2022.
Stone 50th 'Anniversary Run' Patch, Sandy Harbutt and Pearlbrook, 2023.
Stone 50th Anniversary Celebrations Posters, 2023 & 2024.
Live to Ride 20th Memorial and 25th Anniversary Posters
Live to Ride Magazine, 1993. 'Stone 1973-1993 Memorial Run - Take the Trip'.
Live to Ride Magazine, 1998. 'Stone 25 Anniversary Run and Rage'.
Live to Ride Magazine, 1999. 'Stone - Collectors Poster'.
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